The Seven Deadly Sins from Stephen Webster

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They're not the original to the core of Christianity in the way they've become, only coming into play in the 5th century and appearing in their common form in the 6th, but the Seven Deadly Sins are firmly rooted in popular culture, from Dante's Inferno to the movie SevenStephen Webster(previously mentioned), who fancies himself something of a bad-boy when it comes to jewelry design, released a collection of rings on the theme late last year.

Envy, in the classic green
Gluttony, kind of a disturbing piece with your finger always going into, and out of, the grimacing teeth
Greed, using more metal then embelishments
Pride in full peacock splendor
A stone reclining on a ottoman of Sloth
Hands clenched at the throat of Wrath

Though all the designs may not be to my taste, these are impeccably executed and show a cleverness of design that, for most of them, is not at the expense of function. I can think of many contemporary designers who could have taken these concepts and done them neither so artfully nor with such technical skill.



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Since it's the diamond-jubilee year of Queen Elizabeth, some of the jewelry brands, particularly those with some, no matter how tangental, connection are putting out themed collections. To be fair, we've seen much sillier reasons for a themed collectio... Read More

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Nicely done -- some of them are pretty, and all are highly recognizable for what they are supposed to be about. Good use of the theme...

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