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AM Paper Typography

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From the Indian artist Sabeena Karnik comes a complete alphabet constructed from strips of colored paper.  




Medieval Marginalia

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Lapham's Quarterly, a magazine so precious I'd almost expect it were a parody, has an article on amusing marginalia in their Spring 2012 issue.  Sadly the main body is not only, but there's a brief discussion of the topic, as well as a "best of" image, presented below. 




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Kephallenos 1930s AM

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The new banner image is taken from an article on Yannis Kephallenos, a Greek printmaker and type designer who was active in the 1930s.  This image is from a cover he designed for Kostas Varnalis' Besieged Slaves (1927). 

Kephalenos font 1927.jpg



Graffiti Search Engine

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Evan Roth has collected about 200 images of graffiti tags from the walls and fences of Paris, and built an interactive search engine to pull out individual letters.  Worth a look


Vitruvius Roscius Drop Caps

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Taken from a newly scanned incunabula from Harvard's Houghton library:
Roscius, Lucius Vitruvius, 16th century. De docendi stvdendíqve modo, ac de claris puerorum moribus, libellus ... L. Vitrvvio Roscio parmensi autore, cui adiecimus etiam alios eiusdem argumenti libellos aliquot ... Basileae [ex officina Roberti VVinter, 1541]. IC5 R7355 536dc. Houghton Library, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.




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Alphabeast by Heather-Lynn Aquino is a collection of illustrations of the English alphabet, turned into hairy monsters.  They're the source of he new banner

Endgrain Banner

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From the fine collection of scanned wooden typefaces at EndGrain comes the most recent title banner.


A Maritime Banner

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Time for a new banner, and another sourced from the excellent resource ArtDico. These are from a 19th Century French maritime dictionary, the Dictionnaire Pittoresque de marine published in 1835 by Jules Lecomte. "A" was for Armament and "M" was for Master of chicken, apparently an important person on a boat.

(aource A M)


The same monastery that sponsored the greatest work of illumination of at least the last two centuries, the St. John's Bible, has put a large selection of their manuscript collection online.  In many cases the images are not as high-quality as I'd like and the search engine is a bit odd, but the breadth of the collection more than makes up for it. It includes:

I was first attracted to the site because the Hill Museum has the ability to search for illustrated capitol letters by letter, and I was hoping to build a new banner:
(letters from a 13th C Homillary A and M)

(letters from a 13th C Latin "Vitae sanctorum" [a 16. Februarii usque ad 31. Martii].A and M)

From another part of the world, both then and now, the Walters Art Museum has started digitizing it's Arabic manuscript collection.  This example of Kufic is a tiny crop of the full-screen image available


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