The same monastery that sponsored the greatest work of illumination of at least the last two centuries, the St. John's Bible, has put a large selection of their manuscript collection online. In many cases the images are not as high-quality as I'd like and the search engine is a bit odd, but the breadth of the collection more than makes up for it. It includes:
I was first attracted to the site because the Hill Museum has the ability to search for illustrated capitol letters by letter, and I was hoping to build a new banner:
(letters from a 13th C Homillary A and M)

(letters from a 13th C Latin "Vitae sanctorum" [a 16. Februarii usque ad 31. Martii].A and M)

From another part of the world, both then and now, the Walters Art Museum has started digitizing it's Arabic manuscript collection. This example of Kufic is a tiny crop of the full-screen image available

- St. John's Abby Collection - artifacts and documents gathered by the monks of St. John's in the last 150 years
- Ethiopian Manuscript Project - 400 years of Ethiopian manuscripts
- Hill Manuscript Museum and Library - a long-standing project to preserve and make accessible manuscripts, originally on microfilm
I was first attracted to the site because the Hill Museum has the ability to search for illustrated capitol letters by letter, and I was hoping to build a new banner:
(letters from a 13th C Homillary A and M)

(letters from a 13th C Latin "Vitae sanctorum" [a 16. Februarii usque ad 31. Martii].A and M)

From another part of the world, both then and now, the Walters Art Museum has started digitizing it's Arabic manuscript collection. This example of Kufic is a tiny crop of the full-screen image available

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