Fiore Leonetta Bardi, current Baroness of Carolingia, was to be elevated to the Laurel at Birka in January 2023. She is a late 16th C Florentine of … questionable legitimacy.
Our base text was requested to be a Papal bull. Even though he’s a bit earlier than her persona, the Bull Vocavit nos pius, of Pius II is going to be our pattern because Eneas Silvio Piccolmini was an overeducated Renaissance man, and a really good orator, so the text is more interesting than many. It can be found in Latin and translation starting on page 31 of Oration “Ut apertum vobis” of Pope Pius II (10 October 1458, Rome). Edited and translated by Michael v. Cotta-Schönberg. 4th version. With the papal bull “Vocavit nos Pius”. (Orations of Enea Silvio Piccolomini / Pope Pius II; 29)
Latin Text
Mohammad, Rex, et Corotica, Regina, servi populorum Orientis, universis et singulis has Nostras litteras inspecturis salutem. Pro Jure Armorum et Luce Inspirationis, regnantis Carum Regnum Humeris Nostris commisit. Hoc Regnum derigere et servare creditur, et alte fluctuantem pelago Orientalis populi regere naviculam. “Gravis haec quidem Nobis sarcina est, nec Nostrae vires sunt, quae tanti regiminis ferre molem sufficiant.”
Magna fortuna habemus nec gerere nec hic pondus tolerare solis, sed adsurgimus Nostris cameadoribus, cum dexteritate, arte et scientia armant. “Sunt preciosa in conspectu Coronae opera campeadorium” ait. De septem campeadoribus qui navigare Nos maria illa subveniunt, campeador Artis dehibet quem demonstrare scientiam artemque, et magnissime, fervor artibus habet, lucinaria radiare.
Nos enim nequid ad res bene gerendas ex latere nostro desit, de provectione et agnitione illi qui regnum communiunt cum artibus et scientiis, quin ea mens Nostro est id stabile propositum ac certum quaevis incommodo, quaevis pericula parvi facere placita Ordonis Lauri consulamus, et consilium persapientem eorum consequi. Itaque condecerminus exultare Fiore Leonetta Bardi Nostris Ordoni Lauri carissimi. Vestes sui tenuissimis filis subtili artificio indissolubili materia perfectae, quas, uti post eadem prodente approbamur, suis manibus ipsa texuerat. Etsi peregrina est, ergo iam non est hospes et advena, sed filia Orientis nobilis atque legitima. Threnis Nostri ornamentum aureum est, qui cum vestibus gloriosis gloria Nostrae auget.
Non facimus ipsis, sed gloriae populorum Orientis.
Datum Birkae, quinto Kalendae Februariae, regnum Nostri anno primo, Anno Societatis LVII
English Translation
Mohammad, King, and Corotica, queen, servants of the people of the East, to all who see and read this letter, greetings. By the Right of Arms and the Light of Inspiration, it is upon Our Shoulders that the task of ruling this Beloved Kingdom rests. It is entrusted to us to guide and serve this kingdom, to steer the ship of the Eastern state as it is tossed about on the open Seas. “This is a heavy load for Us, and Our strength is not sufficient to carry the burden of this great charge alone.”
We have the great fortune to neither bear nor endure this burden alone, but are borne up by our champions, armed with dexterity, skill and knowledge. As it is said “Precious in the sight of the crown is work of ones champions”1 From the seven champions who help us navigate these seas, it is the Champion of Art who must demonstrate knowledge and skill and most importantly a passion for the arts to shine like a beacon, a light for all that the Kingdom and Society are.
To ensure that we have, on our part, done all that we can for the promotion and recognition of those who buttress our realm through the arts and sciences, It is our intention and Our firm and certain resolve to ignore all inconveniences and dangers that we may take heed of the pleas of the Order of the Laurel and act upon their learned council. Thus we resolve to elevate Fiore Leonetta Bardi to our dearest order of the Laurel. “Her garments are of an imperishable fabric, wrought with the finest threads and of the most delicate workmanship; and these, as all assure us, she had herself sewn with her own hands.”2 Furthermore, though she comes from a strange land, she is “neither stranger nor alien”3, but a noble and legitimate daughter of the East. She is golden raiment for our thrones, who multiplies our renown with glorious garments.
We do this not for ourselves, but for the glory of the People of the East
Given at Birka, on January 28rd (5 Kalends Feb), in the first year of our reign, AS 57
- Psalm 116:15 - gloriosa in conspectu Domini mors sanctorum eius
- Boethius, Consolation of Philosophy, Book 1 “Uestes erant tenuissimis filis subtili artificio indissolubili materia perfectae, quas, uti post eadem prodente cognoui, suis manibus ipsa texuerat;”
- Eph. 2:19
Scroll text by: Aelia Fortunata, Margreta Gyllensteirna, Gun∂ormr Dengir, Aildreda de Tamworthe, Enea Silvio Piccolomini, and Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius
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