The big news this week (overshadowing the Hazor Sphinx) is the discovery of what is, so far, the oldest alphabetic inscription in Jerusalem, predating the Hezikah inscription by over 200 years. The inscription is near the neck of a fragmentary pithos, the linebacker of storage jar(large and neckless). One of six recently found in Eilat Mazar's dig in the Ophel, near the Temple Mount, that seem to have been used as fill under later construction.
(Photo courtesy of Dr. Eilat Mazar; photographed by Noga Cohen-Aloro.)
There's a bunch of debate about the inscription already, so enjoy. Of the three, I'd pick Rollston's for completeness, he's also a well-regarded specialist in the field
- George Athas' first impressions -
- Aaron Demsky -
- Chris Rollston with a drawing of the inscription that's easier for the lay-person to follow -
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