Hublot Antikythera Unvailed, sort-of

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About 6 months back Hublot announced the impending release of their Antikythera watch. When they bought BNB, the work on the movement was already in progress by Jerome Siegrist as part of their Confrerei Horologere program, and in December they had a big press event at the Musee des Arts et Metiers in Paris to stoke interest.

Now they've announced the final product, although no real-life pictures yet we do have some renderings of the final cased product. They will be making four of the pieces eventually, one for the collection of the Archaeological Museum of Athens with the original, one for the Musee des Arts et Metiers in Paris and one for the Hublot museum. The final piece will be the only one available to the public, it will be auctioned off with proceeds to benefit the Archaeological Museum which, if it is anything like the rest of the museums in Greece currently, is in dire straits.

Front of the watch with the time, some of the zodiac and celestial indications and the tourbillon visable through the dialBack of the watch with some of the eclipse indications and the countdown to the next olympics

(click on the pics for larger versions)


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