April 2014 Archives


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1 bell pepper

1 jalapeno pepper

1 small onion, chopped

1 clove garlic, minced

some chopped almonds


  1. deseed, broil and peel the peppers
  2. roughly chop all peppers, set aside
  3. sautee onion until soft and slightly brown
  4. Add garlic, fry for a few seconds until fragrent
  5. add in peppers and a bit of water, bring to simmer
  6. cover and simmer 3-5 min, add in almonds

Passover Marsala

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1/2 bottle marsala wine

3-4 shallots, sliced thin

1/2 lb white mushrooms, sliced thin

2 lbs boneless chicken

fresh herbs (not oregano, but sage, rosemary and thyme all work well)

matzo meal



  1. egg-wash and bread chicken, pan-fry it until brown (can be done in advance)
  2. cook shallots in a bit of oil until they're soft and slightly brown, remove and set aside
  3. sautee the mushrooms in a bit more oil, until they start to brown
  4. return the shallots to the pan, add herbs, salt, pepper and wine, bring to boil, simmer until the alcohol has dissapated
  5. return the chicken to the sauce, cover and simmer 10-15 min until fully heated

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