Recently in Ethiopian Category

Ethiopian Chicken

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Kinda based on Awaze Tibs, but meant for chicken.  Came from this youtube video.

Awaze Tips (or Tibs)

For Awaze Sauce

¼ cup Tej (Ethiopian honey wine. White wine can be substituted)
3 TBSP berbere
3 TBSP canola oil
2 small cloves garlic, minced
½ tsp grated ginger
1 tsp lemon juice (optional)
½ tsp Cayenne (optional)
1 TBSP honey (optional)
Salt to taste
Whisk all of the above together and chill if not using right away.

For Dish

1/8 cup peanut oil
2 red onions, chopped
1.5 tsp fresh ginger, peeled and grated
3 cloves garlic, crushed
1.2 lbs cubed lamb
Tarragon for garnish

Place oil in the pan and sauté with garlic, ginger and onion. Add awaze sauce. Add cubed lamb and cook until browned. Add tarragon into the pan while cooking or after for garnish.

Ethiopian French Toast

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    • 6 Eggs
    • 1 1/2 cup Whole Milk
    • 3 teaspoon Brundo Spice Company Mekelesha Spice Blend, separated
    • 1 tablespoon Vanilla Extract
    • 1/4 cup Cane Sugar
    • 1 loaf Brioche or Challah Bread, cut into thicc slices
    • 4 tablespoon Ahara Chai Spice Ghee or Butter, for the pan, separated
    • 2 teaspoon Powdered Sugar, for sprinkling
    • 1 handful Berries (optional)
    • 2-3 Ripe bananas, peeled and cut lengthwise
    • 3 tablespoon Brown sugar (I prefer dark but you do you)


    1. In a medium bowl or a large baking dish, whisk together the eggs, milk, vanilla extract, sugar, and 2 tsp of the Mekelesha until thoroughly mixed.
    2. Add the slices of bread, turning to coat so that it is entirely covered in the mixture. (Make sure the bread absorbs a good amount)
    3. Melt 2 tablespoons of the ghee or butter in a large skillet over medium heat. Once hot, add in the bread slices and cook until a deep golden brown, about 3-4 minutes on each side. Transfer to a serving plate when finished and cover with foil to keep warm.
    4. As soon as you begin cooking the toast, start prepping the bananas.
    5. Peel & cut the bananas lengthwise. In a separate large skillet, melt the remaining ghee or butter on medium heat and toss in the sugar and remaining Mekelesha so it covers the bottom of the pan. Place the bananas cut-side down and let sit for 5 minutes, allowing the sugar to dissolve and caramelize. If the sugar begins to burn, turn down the heat, add a bit more ghee, and move the bananas around the pan.
    6. Flip the bananas and allow to pan-fry for another 2-4 minutes. Once finished, top the toast with the bananas, cut-side up (cuz it's pretty) and berries of your choosing (if you want), sprinkle with powdered sugar, and dig in!

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