Yeasted Belgian Waffles

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Belgian-Style Yeast Waffles

At a Glance

8 mins. to 12 mins.
20 mins. to 30 mins.
58 mins. to 10 hrs 42 mins.
about 4 Belgian-style (deep-pocket) 7" round waffles
This classic yeasted waffle recipe produces waffles that are wonderfully crisp outside, and creamy-smooth and moist inside. Even when cooling, they retain their wonderful texture. But don't worry, their flavor is so delightful they won't spend much time on the serving plate!

You can choose to prepare the batter for these waffles and cook it after an hour, but we prefer to let the batter rest overnight in the fridge, where it develops some real depth of flavor, yeasty and rich. As you'll read in the comments below, some readers aren't fond of this "yeasty/fermented" flavor; if you think you might fall into this camp, add 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder to the recipe (in addition to the yeast), and cook after just a 30-minute rest; don't refrigerate overnight.


  1. Combine all of the ingredients in a large bowl, leaving room for expansion; the mixture will bubble and grow.
  2. Stir to combine; it's OK if the mixture isn't perfectly smooth.
  3. Cover with plastic wrap, and let rest at room temperature for 1 hour; the mixture will begin to bubble. You can cook the waffles at this point, or refrigerate the batter overnight to cook waffles the next day.
  4. Preheat your waffle iron. Spray with non-stick vegetable oil spray, and pour 2/3 to 3/4 cup batter (or the amount recommended by the manufacturer) onto the center of the iron. Close the lid and bake for the recommended amount of time, until the waffle is golden brown. It takes us 5 to 6 minutes, using our 7" Belgian-style (deep-pocket) waffle iron.
  5. Serve immediately, or keep warm in a 200°F oven. Serve with berries and whipped cream, if desired.
  6. Yield: about 4 Belgian-style (deep-pocket) 7" round waffles.


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This page contains a single entry by Aaron Macks published on March 30, 2016 9:53 AM.

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