Chicken Marsala

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1 chicken, quartered or 4 chicken quarters.  Breasts should have the back ribs removed to fit the pan
1 1/3 cup Marsala wine
1 Onion, sliced to medium thivkness (1/4 inch)
2 cloves of garlic, minced
12 oz white mushrooms, sliced
Salt, Pepper, Thyme and Bay leaf
1/4 cup Flour

1.  Heat a large pan, with a lid, and add several T of vegetable oil.
2.  Mix the flour, some salt and pepper and dredge the chicken.  Add it to the pan about 2 pieces at a time to get a good brown crust on at least 2 sides, set aside browned pieces.  Pour off all but about 1T of fat when all chicken is done. 
3.  Add the onions and mushrooms to the pan, allowing their liquid to deglaze.  If there seems to be scorching, add a small amount of water to loosen the bits on the bottom.
4.  Cook until onions have softened.  Add garlic and cook about 1 min. 
5.  Add Marsala wine and herbs and bring to a simmer, cover and lower head, allow mushrooms to cook down (perhaps 20 min)
5.  Add the chicken back in and cook until done

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This page contains a single entry by Aaron Macks published on January 28, 2010 8:08 PM.

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