Caramelized White Chocolate

Caramelized White Chocolate

About one cup (250ml)

The original recipe said it should take 20 to 30 minutes at a slightly-higher oven temperature. Mine took about twice that long, but I baked it a lower temperature since I was concerned about overcooking the white chocolate. Note that this is a recipe more about technique than one to be followed strictly to the letter. So if you think your batch is done before the time indicated, then it's likely done.

Basically what you're doing is checking the chocolate every ten minutes and giving it a good stir to promote the caramelization. The only danger is overcooking: you want to cook it until it's the color of natural peanut butter. If you do overcook it and it gets grainy, you can press it through a fine mesh sieve and it'll be just fine.

12 ounces (340gr) white chocolate, a block or in fĂȘves (as shown)
pinch of flaky sea salt

Preheat the oven to 250F (120 C)

1. If the white chocolate is in a block, chop it into coarse pieces.

2. Distribute the white chocolate on a rimmed baking sheet and heat for ten minutes.

3. Remove it from the oven and spread it with a clean, dry spatula.

4. Continue to cook for and additional 40-60 minutes, stirring at 10 minute intervals. At some points it may look lumpy and chalky but keep stirring and it will smooth out and caramelize.

5. Cook until the white chocolate is deep-golden brown, and caramelized. Stir in a good pinch of sea salt.

If it's lumpy, scrape it into a bowl and smooth it out with an immersion blender, or in a food processor.

Store in a jar, at room temperature, until ready to use. It should keep for several months, if stored in a cool, dry place.

*UPDATE (6/5/09): I did try this with 'supermarket' white chocolate, which probably had the minimum of cocoa butter (20%) and it was quite chalky and hard to stir. When it was done, I blended it with heavy cream and it was nice and smooth. But be aware if you use a white chocolate with a low cocoa butter content, it will be quite dry during the caramelization. Check the package and look for one with a high cocoa butter content, boasting at least 30%, for best results.