Pollo al Rosmarino

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Chicken with Rosemary of Naples

1 1/2 T butter (oil)
2 garlic cloves, peeled and cut in half
2 sprigs of rosemary
1 chicken quartered (or 3lbs chicken parts)
Salt and pepper
6oz dry white wine

   Heat the oil in a frying pan with the garlic and rosemary.  When the mizture has started to sizzle, add the chicken and cook over medium heat, turning the pieces to ensure even brownness.  One can remove the garlic and rosemary at this point to make the dish more subtlety flavored, or leave them in for a more direct flavor.  Add the salt and pepper and wine, and simmer for 30 min, until the chicken is very tender.  Serve very hot.
(From Mediterranean Cookery, author unknown)