April 2021 Archives




Step 1: RINSE YOUR QUINOA. Don't be lazy. It takes two seconds! Rinse in cold water. Your stomach will thank me later. I won't get graphic but that's all I'll say.

Step 2: Heat up your olive oil in a large sauce pan and saute your onions for 4-5 minutes. Throw in your garlic for a minute, stirring so it doesn't burn.

Step 3: Add in your water and quinoa and cover the pot, bringing the water to a boil.

Step 4: Bring down to low and allow to simmer. Quinoa should take about 15 minutes to cook or so- but you'll know when there is a ring around the outside and the center is clear- plus about all of your water should be absorbed!

Step 5: Mix in your salt, basil, black & red pepper, and 1/3 cup of your cheese. If you want it a little more creamy, go ahead and add more!

Step 6: Dish it up while hot and sprinkle with pepper and cheese for garnish!

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