Tech Debt - colors.css

From the beginning there has been a color table in the db which links to color and secondary color names in the calendar_entries table, and provides the color names to be used in the HTML code.  There has always been the relevant css data, both the generic color "code" (i.e. #444444 for medium gray) as well as any custom html, such as this, needed for the red-strikethrough sometimes used to indicate medium importance

	color: #000000;
	text-decoration: line-through;
	-moz-text-decoration-color: red; /* Code for Firefox */
	text-decoration-color: red;

Although this css code has always been stored in the database, until some work this week the actual css had always been maintained by hand.  When a new color was added to the DB, it was manually added to the .css at the same time.  This has finally been rectified, a script and matching template have been added and will properly generate the .css at any time to match the DB.  Eventually this may be called dynamically from the html code, but for now, manual intervention is needed to regenerate the colors, but at least it's just running a script